August 28, 2009

The most beautiful name in the world...

The epic I find my self sifting through weekly, is routes and there names. Most of the places I climb at have no guide book, no real concensious on the grade, and mostly NO NAME!! I find my self describing routes by trees, streaks, features, spiders.... Why not a name??? Especially some of the routes that would be 4 or 5 stars anywhere, have a name like "the warmup" "the 12""the route on the arete"... If there is a named route on the wall, it's the only reference point.. Everyone has ?????? on the 8a card....

What's the ethics? Can you name a route that you didn't do? For example, the past two routes I have been on at Adam's have been stellar. . If you ask Adam what there called, he will probably say something like " Capt Dick Head, put that on your 8a".... He doesn't name ANYTHING! The way Hp40 problems got named can make a grown man cry. Does the name even matter to people. Is it just a way to decipher a route? Or do people really put meaning in the name...

ETHICS? I named a route that I did the other day, for the sheer fact that it wouldn't get named if I hadn't. In this case, we think I was the first to do it. But who knows? It deff takes away from a route if it doesn't have its own name.

Question: Can you name a route that you didn't get the First Ascent on? (with the respect that the equipper didn't and wouldn't name it).


  1. nevahhhhh!!!! repeater for LIFE!! Good post hombre, but grammar police... pull over!! joking. I agree. Now I will refer you to a poem I wrote some time ago when I was entering my "blue" phase.

    Soon, projects will be for sale.
    And its a lame shame,
    that so much pride is in a name,
    a search for fame,
    which is not the same,
    as the game I play,
    so climb on that.

  2. That excerpt actually had nothing to do with your post. It was just a personal plug.

    Climbs can only be named once, and it's going to be a million more years before any kind of geological activity gives us some new boulders to name, so you see our delimma. SO DON"T HALF ASS NAMES OF CLIMBS. The name will outlive us.
    With that being said (and re-read), if one can't think of a good name, then don't name it. Again, with that being said, maybe climbs really shouldn't have names, be catalogued, numbered, and digitized, because they are permanent structures. True, they were discovered or first climbed by a unique individual, but ole nameless nature made them. This seems resonable.
    Scratch that.
    New path.
    Here's a new proposition. This way we can keep the lame names coming. Unless the name is particularly unique, fabled, and unchangeable.. i.e. El Cap, Slider, The Vagina... then a climb should have the freedom to be renamed sometime after the first acentionist's death.
    I know. You're all gasping in horror.
    These climbs are like cellestial object: stars and planets... etc. Long after we're all gone, they're still going to be burning bright. The guy who named the planets knows what I'm talking about; he named them after Greek gods... EFFING CLASSIC! I wish he was a crusher sometimes.

    Anyways, I don't feel like elaborating anymore and thus drawing some much needed attention to WILLCUT, so I'll stop here... haha. Plus, I'm about to be off work! HOLLA! SAUCE! BAWSE! FLOSS!

    peace out,

  3. Just don't name anything "concensious"......and "there" refers to a place or specific location....."their" is possessive. Start with simple writing, then move on to epic, timeless, well suited names for routes.

  4. Concensious, was used as the rating of the route. Not enough people have climbed most of the harder routes around, so the grade is left up to the FA and the few to follow. Concensious was just a statement. The question was and still is, ethics of naming a route with no previous name. If you didn't establish the route.

    (Please be my spell check on all posts)

  5. the internet blows no more 8a no more blogs name routes if you did them first if not name it after the first ascentionist. this is my last internet post ever i hate the inter-web.i also hate grammar and people that feel smarter by spouting their knowledge on the subject. i think i hate everything except moving over new or untouched rock.If this makes me old school then i am happy.

    big sauce
